Results files explanation¶
This page explains the results files that are output by Robotran when simulating the different modules.
For the basics use of the modules, see the tutorial.
The programming language in this tutorial is C.
Raw results files¶
All simulation results are stored in the project resultsR folder.
All result files use the result name as prefix (default behavior is
the name of the module such as equil_
or dirdyn_
The values are given in the International System of Units.
The files are .res
files that are basically text files. These can be
opened with any text editor such as
By default, the first column is the time in seconds. If not specified, the next columns are the indexes of joints in the multibody model as defined in MBsysPad. The suffix of the file determines the content of the file.
For this module, the first column is always the iteration number.
Variables of the equilibrium process are given in *_x.res* file, each line being one iteration.
Joint positions at each iteration are given in *_q.res* file.
Forces of the equil process are given in *_F.res* file.
Residues of the equil process are given in *_R.res* file.
See also Equilibrium Tutorial.
Main results for the multibody system studied are given in *_result.res* file.
Other files provide the matrices corresponding to the studied system as defined in Modal Tutorial. See also the corresponding documentation for more information.
Direct dynamics¶
Joints kinematics¶
Multibody system joints position, velocity and acceleration respectively with suffix q, qd and qdd, each column is a joint.
Those can be in m or rad (resp m/s, rad/s or m/s2,rad/s2) depending on the type of the joint (linear or revolute).
Joints dynamics¶
Multibody system joints internal forces/torque with suffix Qq.
Multibody system joints internal forces/torque for fixed (driven) variables with suffix Qc.
Multibody system joints internal forces/torque for actuated variables with suffix Qa.
Multibody system Lagrange multipliers (forces/torque) corresponding to constraints with suffix Lambda.
Multibody system links elongation (distance) and velocity with suffix linkZ and linkZd.
Multibody system links force with suffix linkF.
Each column is a link.
The columns correspond to the indexes as defined in
Multibody system links 3D with suffix link3D_XX. The columns are: first is the time. The 6 other are the forces and torques in the 3 dimensions.
corresponds to the id of the link3D as defineduser_all_id.h
User derivatives¶
Multibody system user variables with suffix ux.
Multibody system user derivative variables with suffix uxd.
Solve kinematics and inverse dynamics¶
the outputs are the same as those defined in Direct dynamics here above.
Specific outputs¶
User can define specific outputs (see set_output). The first column is always the time. The other columns depend on what the user defined in its outputs.
Advanced mode
User can decide to not save every defaut results file. For instance, the user can decide to only save the position, velocity and acceleration but not the link forces. This feature can save non-negligible computing time and disk space. Furthermore, user can decide to only save specific columns in the chosen files. For now (Robotran v1.26.0), only the dirdyn module is compatible. See the documentation of the options of the dirdyn module for more information.