Known Troubleshootings in MBsysPy ================================= This page lists troubleshooting reported for MBsysPy or for the run of Robotran projects using Python language. For most of the reported troubleshootings, an adequate solution is proposed. If you are aware of a different or most appropriate solution, suggestion may be sent to Windows ------- Troubleshooting when installing MBsysPy in Anaconda prompt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |MBsysPy pip install: permission denied )| | If you encounter such “permission denied” error, please **close all the phyton-related code and softwares (spyder, …).** Try again to use “pip install …”. MacOS ----- Troubleshooting when installing MBsysPy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For this issue, we consider that you did not manage to install the ``MBsysPy`` module with the ``pip`` command in Spyder but you manage to install it using your system terminal. Please keep this terminal open ! When coming back into the Spyder console, try to type ``import MBsysPy``. If ``ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'MBsysPy'`` is returned, it means that the ``pip`` command installed the module ``MBsysPy`` in a Python path not browsed by Spyder. To add this Python path to Spyder, you first need to locate the ``MBsysPy`` module installed by ``pip``. In your Terminal console, type ``pip show MBsysPy`` and copy the location referred here after as your pip path ``your_pip_path_for_MBsysPy``. In Spyder, select Python Path Manager (last item on the right of the tool band with the Python logo). Click on Add path and select the path referred by your Terminal. If you are not able to select the Python path containing the ``MBsysPy`` module, open the hidden file .bashprofile in your ~/home repositery and add ``/export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/your_pip_path_for_MBsysPy`` at the bottom of the file. Save the file and close it. Relaunch Spyder and type ``ìmport MBsysPy`` into the console. If the module is still not found, please send an email to with the specifications of your OS and Python version. Permission error raised when running in Spyder under MacOS Catalina 10.15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When running a Robotran project ( with a Spyder console under MacOS Catalina 10.15, you might obtain the following error ``I/O error : Operation not permitted``. The explanation is: Spyder is not able to access the files you want to run due to a higher level of security imposed by macOS Catalina on ``/Desktop``, ``/Document`` and ``/Downloads`` repositeries. This access restriction is even more highlighted when running a Robotran project as Robotran is built following a tree structure using different folders (dataR, userfctR, workR, etc.) that Spyder cannot access anymore. However, running the Python code into an system terminal allows you to run your code normally. If your Spyder version is 4.0.0 or after, you may directly launch your code into an external system terminal (``Spyder>Run>Configuration per file...``). If your Spyder version is older than 4.0.0, open a terminal console, go into your project location ``/Your_MBS_Project/workR/`` and launch the Python code with the commmand ``python``. Linux ----- .. |MBsysPy pip install: permission denied )| image:: figure/MBsysPy_permission_denied_open_spyder.PNG