CMake configuration ------------------- To use the real-time features, you must modify the *CMake* flags. You have several ways to obtain this: - If you are using a Gui interface (*Cmake gui*), you can simply check/uncheck the boxes corresponding to the flags. - Otherwise with a *Terminal*, run: - ``ccmake .`` to modify the flags with a *terminal application* - ``cmake . -DFLAG_REAL_TIME=ON`` to modify the flags in command line. - Edit the *CmakeLists.txt* file and add the following command ``set_flag( FLAG_REAL_TIME ON )`` to modify the default flags. Related *CMake* flags: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **FLAG_REAL_TIME**: set it to *ON* if you want to use the real-time features: - **FLAG_PLOT**: set it to *ON* to activate the following features - plotting graphs in real-time - interacting with keyboard, mouse and joystick - controlling the simulation speed - stopping during the simulation - going back in time for the 3D visualization (**FLAG_VISU** must be *ON*) - changing the 3D visualization viewpoint (**FLAG_VISU** must be *ON*) - **FLAG_VISU**: set it to *ON* to visualize in real-time the 3D model (as it appears in *MBSysPad*) .. **WARNING:** If **FLAG_REAL_TIME** is set to *OFF*, **FLAG_PLOT** and **FLAG_VISU** are automatically set to *OFF*. If **FLAG_REAL_TIME** is set to *ON*, **FLAG_PLOT** and **FLAG_VISU** are by default set to *ON* (can be modified).