Welcome to Robotran Installation Instruction!


This documentation gives the instructions to install the different programs of Robotran on a system running with Windows 64bits as operating system.

Programs of Robotran

Robotran is composed of differents programs which are:

  • MBsysPad: essential programs used to build your system. It also allows you to generate the equations of your system via MBsysTran.

  • MBsysTran: this program is not provided, it is located on a distant server. For limited access you can use demo as user name and demo as password. In case you want a more complete access, please fill in the application in the section “Need an account?”.

  • MBsysSim: there are 3 different options for MBsysSim depending on the programming language that you want to use. The 3 programs are listed below:

    • MBsysLab: program used to compute your system with the matlab software.

    • MBsysC: program used to compute your system with the C (and C++) programming language. This part is currently limited to direct dynamic analysis, but it allows realtime computation.

    • MBsysPy: program used to compute your system with the Python language. This part is currently limited to direct dynamic analysis.

